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Activities at Filby Village Hall Village hall hire, Community hall rental, Event venue in Filby, Function room for hire, Meeting space in Great Yarmouth, Wedding venue in Norfolk, Conference facilities Norfolk, Local hall for events, affordable party venue, Small event space, Venue for birthday parties, Village meeting room, Community Centre hire, Village hall facilities, Filby Village Hall rental, Event space availability, Village party venue, Affordable venue hire, Village hall weddings, Norfolk community hall,

in Filby Village Hall, in the Club Room and on the Playing Field?
Click on the                                                           for more information

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Wherry Archers


Wherry Archers cater for all forms of target archery within the guidelines of the Grand National Archery Society (GNAS), including longbows, recurve bows and compound bows.


Currently outdoors, we shoot at Filby during the summer months (April – late September) on Wednesdays and Fridays (1pm until sunset) and on Sunday afternoons (1pm until Sunset) all year. The club’s grounds are situated at the Filby Village Playing Field on Main Road, Filby.  We are about 300 yards East of the hump back bridge over Filby Broad, opposite the Church. Find us. During the winter we shoot at Potters Leisure Resort in Hopton from 7.30pm until 10pm on Fridays.


We have several members who regularly shoot in competitions all over East Anglia and beyond. The club also has an annual award for the most improved archer based on handicaps. In addition to handicaps, archers can also gain 3rd, 2nd and 1st class Bowman, Bowman, Master Bowman and Grand Master Bowman awards either on the club grounds or at competitions.


Want to become a member?  Becoming a member allows access to the equipment sheds via coded padlocks so no keys are required – you can shoot at any time during the periods set out above. Membership fees are renewable in August. Members who join later in the year are given a pro rata reduction in fees.  Part of the membership fee is for your GNAS membership which you require for insurance and to be able to shoot at competition level. Once you decide to buy your own equipment we can guide you through the buying process and will help to set up your new equipment. We would expect that if you were serious about taking up the sport, you would purchase your own equipment within a few months so we have set a maximum loan period of club equipment to 3 months.


Club Secretary – Phillip Grey


Tel: 07957 442965

​  – Phillip Grey



Filby Bells Restoration Trust

The 5 bells at Filby’s All Saints Church are hundreds of years old.  The oldest bell was made in 1607 and the youngest in 1722.  The tenor bell is famous in the bellringing world as it is the largest bell ever cast by Edward Tooke at his Foundry in Norwich and was made in 1675.  It bears the words “Edw: Tooke made me 1675”.  

The bells have not been rung full circle, in the traditional English way, for many decades and the Trust feels the time has come to restore these magnificent bells to their former glory and enhance them by adding a 6th bell.  To do this, the bells will need to be removed and professionally restored, a new metal frame with new fixtures and fittings constructed and an additional bell added.

The Trust’s vision is to restore the Church’s bells to full working condition. This will be achieved at an approximate cost of £220,000, this sum to be obtained by local fundraising supported by applications to appropriate grant bodies.   

Once the restoration work is completed, the Trust plans to have an active ringing band and provide an opportunity for people to learn how to ring. The ringing of bells marks significant occasions in our lives and speaks of these events to everyone who can hear them ring out.  The Trust are delighted that this may once again be a part of Filby Village life, as was for hundreds of years, and it hopes the sound of the newly restored bells ringing will be something that the community will be proud of for many years to come.







Filby Bells Restoration  at Filby Village Hall
Filby Bells Restoration  at Filby Village Hall
Filby Bells Restoration  at Filby Village Hall

Filby Bingo


Its eyes down, in the Village Hall (occasionally the Club Room), at 7.30 pm on the second Friday of every month. There are great prizes and free teas, coffees and other refreshments, with the proceeds going to acquire equipment for the new  Village Hall.


The Filby Bingo was started nearly twenty years ago, on October 31st 1995. Then, Pat Bell was given £50 a month for prizes to cover both the Bingo and the Raffle. Today, a team of six of the ladies, all on the Playing Field Committee, shop for prizes, twice a year. Today, we get £120 a month for 25 Bingo prizes and 10 Raffle prizes but it gets harder to keep within that budget.


For more information contact Joy Baldry: email


Broadland Woodturners


We are a small group of wood turners that normally meet at The Pavilion, Rollesby on the first Tuesday of the month at 7.00pm. We are meeting at Filby's Club Room whilst our regular venue is being refurbished. 


All levels of turners are welcome, Beginners to established turners. Tuition can be arranged outside club nights. Regular demonstrations are part of the meetings.


Contact John on 01502 569192 or email;


Filby Bowls Club

Our friendly bowls club is seeking new members (Beginners/Improvers). We have a resident coach available for tuition. (Bowls and shoes provided.) Joining age – immaterial!

Activities – apart from entering the evening matches for the Broadland League, we participate in Gt. Yarmouth League, Gt. Yarmouth Ladies League, 2 teams for the 3W County League, Watering Bowl and Lacon Cup.

There is a Saturday afternoon roll-up (2pm) during which tea and biscuits are served.
The club also play 3 In-house Memorial  matches and In-house men’s and ladies Singles and Mixed Pairs competitions.

We have a ‘Fun evening’ at the end of season. Joy and John Baldry treat us to a quiz and a game of bingo before competition winners are presented with trophies/vouchers, followed by a cold/hot buffet.

Our joining fee is £25. Rink fees for matches are  £2 pp, Saturday Roll ups £1 pp.

In the winter months, on Friday afternoons, we retreat into the Village Hall for Short Mat Bowls.

Please come along and check us out! Filby Bowls Club, Playing Field, Main Rd., Filby.

Contact: John Baldry 01493 369375


Filby Village Screen


Filby Village Screenings are held, in the Village Hall, at 2:30pm on the third Tuesday of each month. Tickets, priced at £5.00 per person, are available, at the door. The main feature is preceded by a trailer for next month’s show followed by some entertaining shorts. Refreshments are available during an interval. Some of the screenings over the last year were...

The Unlikely Pilgrimage of Harold Fry

The story of an unremarkable man who set off on a remarkable journey. Recently retired, Harold Fry wass well into his 60s and content to fade quietly into the background of life. Harold learned his old friend Queenie is dying. He set off to the Post Office to send her a letter and decided to keep walking: all the way to her hospice, 450 miles away.
Top Gun: Maverick
Tom Cruise and Val Kilmer returned to “don their aviator glasses once more” to take to the skies as rivals Maverick and Iceman. The sequel also starred Ed Harris and Jon Hamm, while Jennifer Connelly played a single mother and bar owner who became romantically entangled with Maverick.


Mrs. Harris Goes to Paris

A heart warming tale about London housecleaner Ada Harris (Lesley Manville), who thought her lonely life might turn around if she could become the owner of a Christian Dior gown. Ada’s irrepressible charm saves the whole House of Dior in this uplifting story of how an ordinary woman became an extraordinary inspiration by daring to follow her dreams.


The Great Escaper

A true story. Cast your minds back to the summer of 2014. Bernard Jordan made global headlines when he staged a “great escape” from his care home in East Sussex. His plan, to join fellow war veterans on a beach in Normandy, commemorating their fallen comrades at the D-Day Landings’ 70th anniversary. Starred Michael Caine and Glenda Jackson.


Call Susan on 01493 369601 for more information


Filby Computer Group

As a result of the loss of public funding for more formal tuition, by popular request, a group was set up by Filby’s Playing Field Committee in 2011 to assist those who wanted help in getting acquainted with computers. It provided space, the Village Club Room, and purchased phone and broadband facilities to enable an internet connection.

Run by computer literate volunteers, it now helps its members by delivering one-on-one tuition on any topic they care to ask about. The group meets once a week, for 2 hours at 10 am on a Tuesday morning, throughout the year, and those attending pay a fee of just £3.00 per session which goes to the Village Hall Fund. The fee also buys tea and biscuits.

Bring along your own laptop but, if you do not have one, yet, we can let you practise on one of ours.



Filby Lands & Conservation Trust

A trust has been formed. It is known as Filby Lands & Conservation Trust. It has purchased an initial plot of land in the Village, size approximately half an acre, behind the Village Church, that is being planted up as a Community Woodland, to be known as Trinity Wood.

The Trust was successful in getting grant aid to buy the land (Essex & Suffolk Water Branch Out funding). It has, also, obtained the gift of some woodland trees (Woodland Trust) and, now, is raising funds for Hedgerow trees, Wildflower Meadow planting and creating a Wildlife Pond. Specimen trees have been donated by residents. 

A bank account has been set up and a JustGiving page published, for donations via the internet. Donations may be made to…

Bank                                     – Santander Business 
Account                               – Filby Lands & Conservation Trust
Sort Code                            – 09-01-29
Account Number               – 50535435

Cash donations may be left at Filby Post Office.


The Trust’s Committee would welcome the involvement of the whole community. If you would like to assist in any way, either in terms of financial support, expertise, or practical work. 


Contact: Ken Saul on 01493 369021 or email


Filby Parish Council


Mr. A. Thompson                  (Chairman)
Mr. D. Shaw                           (Vice Chairman)
Mrs. Catherine Moore         (Parish Clerk)                                               
Mr. J. Baldry
Mrs. L. Elms
Mrs. A. Hutchinson
Mr. I. Richardson
Mr. D. Nicker


Contact: Parish Clerk
Mrs. Catherine Moore 


Jubilee Farm
Fleggburgh Road

Great Yarmouth

NR29 5HH

Tel: 01493 253041


Filby Parish Council  at Filby Village Hall
Filby Parish Council  at Filby Village Hall
Filby Parish Council  at Filby Village Hall
Craft Club

Filby Craft Club

Three ladies, Barbara Secker, Pat Bell, and Jenny Thompson, started the craft club 12 years ago, after sewing for years in Barbara’s lounge. Sadly, Barbara died a few years ago. When the idea of the new Village Hall was suggested, Barbara started fundraising – it was her dream for the village.

The craft club have supported this dream ever since but we started with a new kitchen in the Club Room. Jenny and Pat spent a couple of days putting the units together, and then managed to get funding for 20 tables and 40 chairs. The Club supplied the boiler for coffee and teas after the kettles we had bought were not big enough. It supplies the coffee and tea for every venue.

We meet on Mondays from 1pm until 4pm.

We have 25 or so members of whom most attend every week. We have a table where the ladies knit and natter, a card making table plus the ladies with their sewing machines. We can welcome any new members now that we have the Village Hall available to us. Tea, coffee and biscuits and three hours of company all for a £1! We welcome any new crafts as we love to try something different. Please call in if only for a cuppa and a chat. We are mostly 60+ but any age group welcome.

The club loves to get involved in most things, we made the bunting for the 2012 Jubilee; we made quilts for the Village Fete and goodies for the cake stall. We run an Early Bird Christmas Fair, in which we sell our own handmade items, and a Marie Curie tea party in memory of Barbara. Anything for fundraising, even jumble sales! We have lunch at Filby Bridge at least once a month for any one that likes to go, mainly on birthdays.




Filby Craft Fayres














Craft Fayre at Filby Village Hall
Little Dots

Pilates and Exercise with Teresa




Body Conditioning A conditioning based class to tone the whole body without adding bulk, small equipment used (bands, hand weights, pilates balls & gliders).  A low impact class suitable for everyone.  


Pilates Benefits of doing Pilates include a tighter tummy and better overall muscle tone and a stronger back, you’ll look leaner and taller, improve your balance and general overall wellness at a slow relaxed pace.  What’s more, because Pilates doesn’t focus on just one part of your body, you’ll see changes all over.  As your body looks leaner and taller, you may also find that some of your body’s systems may work better.  For example, you may find that it’s easier to digest food. Pain and bad posture can add to your stress levels and not only does Pilates help alleviate those problems, it also works to calm you. As Pilates focuses on breathing, you become mindful of your breath, of your body and muscles, and it becomes like a form of meditation.


Barre/Tone Barre is a fun class, utilising aspects from ballet, yoga, Pilates and cardiovascular elements to give you a chiselled lean body.  It is a low impact class done at a ballet barre, finishing with an abb section. Develop long, lean muscles without bulk. The results: “Sculpt a lean fit body.” “Enhance flexibility and improve balance.” You’ll see changes in your body, gain strength, and tone those hard-to-target muscles in your core, arms, and legs.  Anyone—no matter their age, weight, or fitness level – can hit the bar!


HITT Maximise your metabolism and keep burning calories long after the class has finished, known as the after burn.  This class uses short bursts of exercise followed with a short recovery.  I will adapt the exercises to suit your level of fitness, you will get fitter, leaner and stronger. Suitable for everyone. 


Legs, Bums and Tums A class using different equipment to tone and shape your legs, bums and tums, finishing with a relaxation session. Suitable for all levels of fitness.





Website                                                                       Blog                                             Facebook



Tel:                         01493 728065

Mobile:                 07848 450451




Ormesby Youth Football Club




OYFC is an FA Charter Standard Club, run by volunteers, committee members, coaches and managers. We aim to provide a safe and supportive environment for children to enjoy football. We offer football coaching by qualified and DBS checked coaches and opportunities to play fixtures for our teams. Our Little Vikings deliver fun football activities for 4-6 year olds (Reception and Year 1) to introduce them to football. Our structured team football starts at Under 7 (Year 2) and continues up to U16 (Year 11). 


OYFC is about more than just football; we strive to play a big part in the community and the lives of our players and their families. We believe in the FAs Four Corner Model and aim to develop players socially, positively impact their behaviours, improve their confidence as well as helping them develop and enjoy their football.


Parents/carers, players and club members ALL play their part in ensuring that the game is enjoyed in the right way and everyone has RESPECT for each other. To be involved with OYFC we require you to agree to the relevant RESPECT CODES OF CONDUCT:


  • Parents/Carers - click here

  • Players - click here

  • Coaches/Managers/Club Officials - click here



Gardening Club

Website                                                                                                                Facebook

Filby & District Gardening Club


The Club meets, in Filby Village Hall, at 7pm on the second Tuesday of each month. All are welcome. Those wishing to become members may pay an annual membership of £14. Guests are charged at £3.00 per meeting, redeemable against the subsequent purchase of a membership fee. Refreshments are free at meetings. 


Our patron is TV Presenter and Gardening Influencer, Ellen Mary. Many of her videos can be seen on YouTube.

Our membership has been entertained by many notable speakers including TV Weatherman Chris Bell and the ever-entertaining former seedsman, Paul Corfield. Our year includes an annual Garden Party, usually hosted by one of our members and Fish & Chip Supper Social Evening.

See our Constitution and Membership of the Club’s Committee.


Check the Garden Club's Facebook page or visit Filby Village Hall website for further details.


Look out for more information in the Village Life section of the Yarmouth Mercury.


Contact Caroline on 01493 369145 or Sue on 01493 369291.


Filby in Bloom

Britain in Bloom


More than 1,600 cities, towns, villages and urban communities take part each year to show off their achievements in environmental responsibility, community participation and, of course, horticultural achievement. The campaign runs year round and participating groups report a wide range of benefits such as cleaner, greener and safer surroundings, a growing sense of community pride, and increased commercial enterprise and tourism. Communities of all sizes can take part, from small villages to large cities. Some groups are entirely run by volunteers and some work in partnership with their local council.

Every summer participants are assessed for efforts in three key areas:

Horticultural achievement

Community participation
Environmental responsibility


Groups start by taking part in their regional campaign. Those that do well at this level may then be selected to take part in the UK Finals, which are organised by the RHS. From all the communities that take part in the regional campaigns, only roughly 80 are selected to go into the annual UK Finals of RHS Britain in Bloom.

Filby in Bloom


All involved do so to make Filby a better place in which to live, for the benefit of residents, businesses and visitors alike. Everyone makes a contribution in the best way that they can. There is no formal ‘In-Bloom’ committee, as such. Instead, everyone has a say in the planning. A Chairperson and Secretary are elected for the purpose of those meetings that are held but all participate in the discussions and everyone has an equal vote.

Team work is evident throughout the organisation of the many schemes and projects that run every year, to which so many of the residents willingly give their time. Every Saturday morning, a small team is assembled to conduct all necessary clearing, cleaning, planting and other sundry tasks to ensure that the village stays in great shape. Individuals often initiate their own projects and the sheer number and variety of the tasks undertaken demonstrate the innovation within the village. Its enthusiasm for the In-Bloom competitions and for the overall improvement to the fabric of the neighbourhood, in general, is self evident.


Contact: Adrian Thompson Tel: 01493 369250   Email:

Little Dots

Filby Craft Fayres

Craft Fayre at Filby Village Hall

Broadlands Theatre Group


Broadlands Theatre Group was founded in 1980 and provides drama workshops and performance opportunities for children, young people and adults. 

Drama workshops for children (from the age of 6 years), young people and adults take place on Wednesday evenings during term-time in Filby Village Hall.

Workshop 1             5pm        6-8 years
kshop 2             6pm        9-11 years
Workshop 3             7pm        12+ years
Adult Workshop      8.15pm  School Leavers+

New attendees are welcome to attend a free ‘taster’ session.  Just contact us on  to book. 

Drama Productions

Every year, during the school summer holiday, members of the youth group take part in ‘Drama Week’, a week of rehearsals, set-building, costume-making, prop-making, music, lighting and sound, culminating in three public performances. Although the cast are given their scripts in advance, there are no rehearsals before the week starts. The show evolves as ambitiously as time, talent and energy allow.

During the autumn and spring terms, members of the group work on either a devised play or published script learning about what is involved with putting on a production.

Broadlands Theatre Group has also organised several community theatre projects over the years involving both children and adults from the local villages.  

Please see our Facebook page for news of current productions/activities. 




Mel or Pete Sessions
Tel: 01493 369206


Dragon Stage School

Our Story

Building confidence through performance and the gaining of skills in singing, dance and acting.

Sunday afternoon/evening and Tuesday after-school classes for any child aged between 5 years and 16 years of age.

Mixed age classes, learning social skills and building pride in their work by building a sense of 'family'.

Over 4 performances each year, along with theatre trips, outdoor events and workshops.

Contact us now -details below.



Tel: 07849 403332

Warm Room

Filby Community Warm Room


As of Friday 5th January 2024, from 8am - 1pm and subsequent Fridays until the end of March, Filby Village Club Room will be offered as a Community Warm Room to local people from surrounding villages. 

We will provide a warm space with free hot refreshments. Daily papers and games will be available. There is free Wi-Fi and television.


This is open to all ages and, if you need a lift, please contact Adrian on 01493 369250.


The aim is to provide warmth and company during the Winter months. This should save households money and improve their well-being.


This has been made possible by a grant from the Norfolk Community Foundation and local volunteers. If you would like to help to serve refreshments, provide transport or in any way please contact Adrian on 01493 369250.


This is totally free of charge to anyone who attends.






Filby & District Women's Institute
Our Group
We are a friendly bunch of ladies who enjoy listening to interesting speakers each month and have lunches and outings together.

We are a Registered Charity (No. 1100281).


Filby WI were formed in 1934.


We meet on the third Thursday of each month at 2:00 pm.


Our venue is Filby’s Village Hall


Annual Subscription            £46.00

Mrs G. Hammond on 01493 369632






WI at Filby Village Hall
Hook and Yarn

Hook and Yarn


Our monthly crochet meetings start again on Wednesday 17th January 2024 7pm.


9pm At Filby Club Room, Main Road, Filby NR29 3HN.


£5 per session which includes tea/coffee, home made cake.


All welcome ... bring your own projects.


Experienced or just starting out If you'd like to learn please get in touch.


We look forward to seeing you.


Contact: Tel Wendy 01493 369080 or Emma 07921 000494



Yoga at Filby Village Hall

Yoga with Sarah





















Wellness 1

Sound & Savasana.


Souns and Savasana.jpg

Join us on the last Saturday of every month for a calming & rejuvenating yoga flow followed by a sound bath lead by Fiona from Leaping Hare Therapies.



The event takes place from 4-6pm & for your comfort, we will provide a nice, thick yoga mat, blanket and cushion. We strive to create a cosy environment, surrounded by fairy lights, candles, incense, crystal lamps & house plants. Dive into relaxation & purchase your tickets for Sound & Savasana.






Contact: Fiona Lomax

Tel:         07396 726 835           




Relax and Restore Sound Bath

Sound bath.jfif

What is a Sound Journey? A sound journey is a meditative practice that helps your mind and body deeply relax. The soothing vibrations of crystal bowls and other instruments promote healing on a mental, physical, and emotional level.


Why call it a journey? Unlike focusing on the outer world, a sound journey invites you to turn your gaze inward and explore your inner world. It’s a pathway to peace, reflection and self-discovery.


What should you bring? We provide...


• A thick mat

• A cushion

• A blanket

• An eye pillow


Contact: Fiona Lomax

Tel:        07396 726 835          




Day Retreat


Join Creative Producer Claire Atherton and Yoga practitioner Nicola Pollett


for a day retreat


working with the cycles of nature and the flow of energy that is the Devine Feminine.


Booking link


Contact; Claire Thompson

07974 665992




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