Filby Village Hall
What's New at the Playing Field
Last updated 7th October
Filby Gardening Club - uploaded 6th October
Bingo - uploaded 27th September
Filby Fireworks - uploaded 26th September
Short Mat Bowls - 2nd September
Village Screen - uploaded 30th August
Filby Fete - uploaded 23rd August
Filby Fete - uploaded 1st August
Bingo - uploaded 28th June
Filby Playing Field - 70th Anniversary - uploaded 10th June
On Friday 7th June 2024, we celebrated the 70th Anniversary of the opening of Filby Playing Field with an afternoon tea in the Village Hall. The children from Filby School provided entertainment and our special guests for the afternoon were Mr. Jeremy Lucas, the present Lord of the Manor of Filby, and his wife Monica. The following day, our guests visited Filby Church to see the various Memorials to the Lucas family and Filby Hall, the family’s former home.
Bingo - uploaded 7th June
Playing Field Flyer - uploaded 28th May
Bingo - uploaded 30th April
Bingo - uploaded 12th April
Warm Room – uploaded 9th January
Village SCreen - uploaded 15th November
Bingo – uploaded 7th November
Filby Fireworks - uploaded 7th November 2023
See a 15 minute video of the entirety of Filby’s 2023 Firework Display by clicking on the image below.